"This is my art and it is dangerous!"
- Delia Deetz, Beetlejuice

Friday, November 12, 2010

Untitled Morning Photo

"...the older I get the more joy I find in the morning."

I have never been a real morning person. When I think "morning person" I imagine a very perky person who pops right out of bed, no sweat. I'm certainly not that person. However, I do love the morning once I am awake. It is my favorite time that I spend with myself, hands down.

After hitting the snooze a couple times, I arise from my bed. This is the time of a wonderfully soothing shower. I turn on my shower radio and proceed to lather, rinse, repeat to the classics of the 1980's.

Thirty minutes later, I emerge in a cheerful mood. As I'm in no real rush to get going, I decide to watch something. During the week, this is usually an episode from one of my shows which aired the night before. I don't have cable so I must download everything. As my entertainment begins, I start my hair process. It is quite long and tedious but it makes me happy.

As a nice break between blow drying my hair and straightening it, I usually make some breakfast. I've never been a fan of this particular meal so I don't make a big deal of it. On an average morning I enjoy a bowl of cereal, some yogurt, and potassium in the form of a banana.

After this, I begin to straighten my hair. I am fully aware that this is an unnecessary thing to do but again, it makes me happy. It makes me feel pretty. I have an ugly duckling syndrome that still plagues me at times. But I do not want to dwell on that.

Once this stage is complete, it is time for the clothes and make up. I've never been a real fashionista so my outfits are never elaborate. A simple jeans, tank top, and sweater and I'm content. The top comes first and is on before anything else.

Now is the time for my face. Despite what many people say, there is a difference in what I look like with makeup as oppose to without. I rarely leave the house with a natural face. I spent a better portion of my life with a naked face and I just don't like it. But like my fashion, I don't go over the top. I usually stick with a face base which is just a light powder that evens out my skin tone. Next I apply my mascara. I switch the color depending on my mood. If I'm feeling particularly funky I will put on a blue or purple shade. And on those mellow days where I don't care, I go with black. I've never used brown and I never will. Brown is dull and just doesn't work for me. I don't feel it pops enough. But that's just me.

After this, is usually the time when I have to leave for work. So I pick out the rest of my clothes and take a glance in the full length mirror. With a sense of self approval I put on a little lip gloss and head out the door.

On my way to work I almost always stop at my local Tim Hortons (Canadian plug!) for a coffee and muffin. Lately I discovered their whole grain raspberry muffin and it is beyond delicious. I do my best to keep the muffin to coffee ratio even and make the muffin last as long as I can but sometimes I fail.

That, in a nut shell, is a typical morning in the life of Lauren. It has become a ritual that I enjoy very much and I am much happier having that. With the amount of possibilities that can occur throughout the day, it is nice to know that I always have this.

Time that is always mine.

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